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Отраслевое медиа обо всём, что происходит в российском и международном модном бизнесе и влияет на его развитие

About us

Fashion Buzz — rhythm and drive of the fashion industry. Industry media about everything that is happening in the Russian and world fashion industry and influences its development.

For those who make fashion:

top managers, owners, designers and founders of brands and fashion retail chains, owners of multi-brand boutiques, buyers, manufacturing specialists, marketers, PR-specialists, analysts, stylists.
Industry Rhythm — the most important fashion news daily, from shop openings to key brand appointments.
Industry Drive — analyses and articles from leading experts to help businesses move forward and make the product better.

Fashion Buzz publishers

Olga Steinberg and Stanislava Nazhmitdinova, partners in this and other projects, who know about fashion business firsthand.
Olga is an analyst, communications specialist, founder of PR-agency, author of TG-channel and podcast about fashion business Fashion prokachka.

Lecturer at British Higher School of Design, Netology, Skillbox. Organiser, moderator and speaker of business programmes. She brought Fashionunited media to the Russian market.
Stanislava is the founder of fashion business scaling agency SHTAB, co-founder of fashion entrepreneurs community, organiser of legendary business breakfasts.
Expert in sales, management and business development in fashion.
Tracker of the Year-2021, winner of the ‘Best Consulting in 2023’ award. Curator of business accelerators.
Lecturer at the Higher School of Economics and Higher School of Economics. Author of articles and courses on fashion entrepreneurship.
The main distinctive feature of FashionBuzz media is the focus on market analytics and community building, where small start-ups and large established companies are equally important. And integration with the fashion ecosystem - digital services, logistics, e-commerce.
— Olga Steinberg


Our editorial team is our «golden fund», journalists with extensive experience in fashion, including b2b. The team, with whom we have been working together for years.

Natalia Popova — news editor.
Yulia Boshayeva — editor.
Our columnists are the best market specialists who are ready to share their experience and expertise with you.

Rosemary Thurman — trend expert, trend watcher, founder of How fashion works school.

Anna Green — digital fashion expert, founder of Mayam virtual studio.

Natalia Timashova — footwear market expert, author of Shoes Expert TG-channel.
Anna Chernykh — expert on visual trends, head of Project Workshops, curator of the Fashion Design programme at British Higher School of Design.

Tatiana Sherstneva — expert on Asian markets, founder of TextilePro.

Svetlana Paderina — fashion analytic, journalist, author of the People and Clothes TG-channel.

And many other experts working in the fashion industry.

Our mission

Fashion business is one of the most complex and at the same time interesting and beautiful industries. Success here requires constant access to up-to-date information, trends and insights.

We created FashionBuzz to fulfil this need.
It's here for you every day:

— Latest news and analytics.
— Expert opinions of industry leaders, insights from professionals.
— Technologies and innovations reviews.
— Inspiration and creative ideas - success stories, cases, inspiring projects.

Our values

We value professionalism — that's why we have high standards of journalism and analytics.

We strive for innovation to make our business efficient and modern.
We are in favour of openness, so we are ready to discuss any kind of cooperation.

We are already creating a real community where there is room for everyone, both market leaders with a global vision and those who are just starting on the path in the fashion industry.

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